Saturday, May 31, 2014


I'll start by posting the rules that I will be following
  1. Starter pokémon is decided by trainer I.D. (If I.D. ends in 1-3 = grass, 4-6 = fire, 7-9 = water)
  2. If a pokémon faints it is considered dead and can no longer be used
  3. Each nation can only use 4 types of pokémon and normal type. The nations are…
    1. Air Nomad
      1. Flying
      2. Psychic
      3. Ghost
      4. Bug
    2. Water Tribe
      1. Water
      2. Ice
      3. Grass
      4. Poison
    3. Fire Nation
      1. Fire
      2. Electric
      3. Dark
      4. Dragon
    4. Earth Kingdom
      1. Rock
      2. Ground
      3. Steel
      4. Fight
  4. If a pokémon has two types they must both fall into the nations (for example normal / flying types can only be used by Air Nomads even though normal type can be used by all four nations)
    1. Starter pokémon may fall into 2 separate nations as long as one type remains in the nation
So those are the rules! The character will be named Blue (in honor of the Blue Spirit from Avatar: The Last Airbender) I hope that anyone who finds this blog will enjoy what comes of it! - Dragon