I'll start by posting the rules that I will be following
- Starter pokémon is decided by trainer I.D. (If I.D. ends in 1-3 = grass, 4-6 = fire, 7-9 = water)
- If a pokémon faints it is considered dead and can no longer be used
- Each nation can only use 4 types of pokémon and normal type. The nations are…
- Air Nomad
- Flying
- Psychic
- Ghost
- Bug
- Water Tribe
- Water
- Ice
- Grass
- Poison
- Fire Nation
- Fire
- Electric
- Dark
- Dragon
- Earth Kingdom
- Rock
- Ground
- Steel
- Fight
- If a pokémon has two types they must both fall into the nations (for example normal / flying types can only be used by Air Nomads even though normal type can be used by all four nations)
- Starter pokémon may fall into 2 separate nations as long as one type remains in the nation
So those are the rules! The character will be named Blue (in honor of the Blue Spirit from Avatar: The Last Airbender) I hope that anyone who finds this blog will enjoy what comes of it! - Dragon