Monday, June 2, 2014

Day 2

Last we saw of Blue he had recently acquired his first Pokémon, a Mudkip named Kuruk and a pair of running shoes. Now he heads towards his first gym and all other kinds of shenanigans in-between!

  • 1st things first let's catch a Zigzagoon! Reminder, Blue is of the Southern Water Tribe and therefore he can only catch Water, Ice, Grass, Poison, & Normal type Pokémon. Zigzagoon is Normal type and makes the perfect 1st addition to Team Avatar!
    • Blue caught his 1st Pokémon! A Zigzagoon named Sokka due to the fact that this Zigzagoon is also a boy and he is not water type or any special type AKA he is not a "bender"

  • Remember that rule if a Pokémon faints he is dead? Me too… Luckily no one is dead yet! Hopefully it stays that way.
    • *Runs back to mom to heal Kuruk & Sokka*
  • Time to train Sokka!
    • Sokka's first fight vs. a lvl 2 Poochyena is a success! Too bad Poochyena's are Dark type so Blue can't catch one… 
    • Blue Can't catch Wurmple's either…
    • Sokka levels up to level 4!
    • Level 5 & Sokka learned Tail Whip! A move that lowers opponents defense stat.
  • Somewhere in the training / healing sessions Sokka picked up a Nugget! Better deposit that in the PC yo.
    • Sokka's special ability is "Pickup" which as defined by the game means "May pick up items" AKA walking around with Sokka in the team means he will randomly acquire items as Blue walks around. How he does this from a Pokéball is still a mystery…

  • More training! Don't want anyone dying on the team!
    • Very tempting to catch more Zigzagoons since they are the only Pokémon Blue can catch but I don't really want more than one type of a Pokémon in team avatar… hmmm….
    • Sokka becomes level 6.
    • Sokka picked up a Rare Candy! These things are pretty rare and will level up any Pokémon automatically when used. Better heal Team Avatar / deposit the Rare Candy.
Rare Candy
  • More training.
    • Sokka is now lvl 7! In the process he got to about 1/2 HP (health points) which was scary…
    • Time to train Kuruk now that both Sokka and Kuruk are lvl 7.
    • Kuruk levels up to lvl 8!
  • Nerdy footprint guy was sketching his own footprints by mistake…
    • Luckily this means I can head west Again! 
    • Speaking of which, here is a map of The Hoenn Region. Currently Blue is at Oldale Town, & he started his adventure in Littleroot Town. The new plan is to head west on route 102 to Petalburg City!
Hoenn Map

  • Grinding (Training to level up) against wild Pokémon so that when Blue faces trainers no one from Team Avatar dies.
  • Blue caught a level 3 Seedot and named him Tho after the Foggy Swamp water bender. Seedot is grass type however it's evolutions, Nuzleaf & Shiftry, are also dark type. Therefore, poor Tho will never get to evolve…

Tho (A:TLA)

    • Tho has no immediate attacking moves (Only knows Bide and Harden ATM) so grinding is a little difficult for him… especially since Team Avatar can't afford for him to die… yet… Luckily he has his good pals Sokka and Kuruk to help him along!
  • More grinding.
    • Tho becomes level 4
    • Sokka levels up to level 8
    • Tho levels to level 5
    • Tho lvl 6
    • Tho lvl 7 & learned Growth (A move that raises social attack stat)
    • Kuruk lvl 9
  • Scary moment! Time to face a trainer! IT'S ON BUG CATCHER RICK!!!!!
    • Tho defeats his 1st Pokémon on his own! With only 8 HP to spare, Blue switches Tho out for Sokka.
  • Team Avatar makes it out in one piece! *phew* 

  • More Grinding.
    • Tho lvl 8
    • Tho lvl 9
    • Sokka lvl 9 & learned Headbutt! (A normal type attack that may cause flinching in the opponent)
Well this is where I will call it a night. Here is an overview of the pokémon that compose Team Avatar.
  1. Kuruk, Mudkip, Water type, lvl 9.
    1. Tackle (Normal attack)
    2. Growl (Lowers opponents attack stat)
    3. Mud-slap (Weak ground attack that also lowers accuracy)
  2. Sokka, Zigzagoon, Normal type, lvl 9.
    1. Tackle
    2. Growl
    3. Tail Whip (Lowers opponents defense stat)
    4. Headbutt
  3. Tho, Seedot, Grass type, lvl 9.
    1. Bide ("Endures attack for 2 turns to retaliate double") 
    2. Harden (Raises defense stat)
    3. Growth

Thanks for reading! - Dragon

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