Sunday, June 1, 2014

Day 1

Starting the journey on this lone summer night! A lot of exciting things are going to happen. I will discover what my starter will be based off of I.D. number and who knows what else could happen. 

  • First things first the character is a boy named blue (short for blue spirit from Avatar: The Last Airbender)
  • Woohoo moving into new house! I'd reset the clock but APPARENTLY the "Internal battery has run dry" for this game. It says I can play the game fine but no time based events will happen. I'm assuming / hoping the major bummer for this will be no growing berry trees...

  • A little early to check, I know, but I just can't wait to see what starter I get! Before I look at my trainer I.D. remember that if it ends in a 1-3 I get Grass, 4-6 I get Fire and 7-9 is Water. But that doesn't NECESSARILY decide which nation I am in because if my starter evolves into having an element that coincides with another nation, I will make an exception for that pokémon since all of the starters evolve into 2 type pokémon in this game. ANYWAYS... drum roll please… my trainer I.D. is 14268! Mudkip it is!
  • Well then I am assuming some of you knew this already but Blue's mom won't let him leave till Blue sets the clock which is pointless but whatever! I'll be honest, it is 2:21 am right now.
  • Blue withdrew that secret potion already in item storage. silly Nintendo you can't hide that from me.
  • Damn it! missed Dad on TV.

  • Looking for Prof. Birch but apparently the daughter is upstairs.

  • Her name is May? More like MAI! am I right or am I right?!?

  • Ugh this guy is a prof. and he can't handle a level 2 Poochyena? Like seriously how did he earn his professor title? Whatever, the gods have already decided Mudkip for Blue!
  • Oh boy! time to name this Mudkip! but 1st I gotta decide if I want to be Water tribe or Earth Kingdom… Mudkip eventually evolves into Swampert which is Water / Ground type so TECHNICALLY I can be either Water tribe or Earth Kingdom… I think We all know the right choice. Or at least I know which one I want!

  • This is actually gonna be kinda annoying until I get a decent fishing rod…
  • So now that Water Tribe is decided (ps it's southern tribe) It's time for a name! I want to name all of Blue's pokémon after great Water Tribe characters / general Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra (from now on they will be affectionately abbreviated as A:TLA / LoK) characters. Anyways, please welcome the first hero of the team, Kuruk! Named after the water bending avatar before Aang / Korra. 
    • Side note, the Mudkip is a boy so I had to pick a boys name
Avatar Kuruk (A:TLA)

  • On the hunt for May (from now on she will be referred to as Mai because Mai > May. & because the whole point of this is too cross A:TLA / LoK with Pokémon as much as possible! whatever I "Don't hate" Mai)
  • First "real" battle is vs. a Zigzagoon!
    • So is the 2nd.
  • Kuruk is level 6!
    • Kuruk Learned Mudslap! This is a weak ground type attack that also lowers accuracy.
  • Blue enters Oldale Town. 
    • starting to wish I had pokéballs so I could start to train other team members AKA Zigzagoons since they are the only pokémon I can catch right now whose types fit into the water tribe…
  • Pokémon Mart lady gave Blue a free potion. How nice!
  • Apparently Blue can't go west out of town yet… some nerdy guy has to sketch pokémon tracks or something. North it is!
Found Mai / commenced battle.

  • Blue won!
    • Kuruk levels up to level 7

  •  Blue went back home to Littleroot town and received the Pokédex / some pokéballs from The Prof. & Mai
    • *Whispers* Too bad I won't "Catch 'em all" 
  • Blue Receives Running Shoes from his mother / she wishes him good luck on his journey.

Well this looks like a good place too call it a night. Writing / playing at the same time takes a long time. 

FYI I found gifs / memes / pictures all over the internet and even made one myself so apologies if I used your image and somehow that offends you. Goodnight! - Dragon

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